
Irving Karchmar has been a poet, writer and editor for many years, and a darvish of the Nimatullahi Sufi Order since 1992. He is also the author of the modern classic, Master of the Jinn: A Sufi Novel, a mystical adventure tale on the Sufi path of Love, which has been used in both High School and University courses on Sufism, Islamic Literature, and Middle Eastern Philosophy.

The book has so far been translated into eight languages: Indonesian (Sang Raja Jin), Turkish (Cinlerin Efendisi), Russian (Повелитель джиннов – Povelitel dzhinnov), German (Meister der Jinn), Croatian (Gospodar demona), Spanish (El Maestro de los Jinn), Urdu (Aaqa-e-jinnat – آقائے جنات ), and Malayalam, the language of the Kerala State of India (Jinnukalude Nadhan).

His other works include, Lessons in Love: Essays and Spiritual Exercises for Modern Life (Ebook format), Love Songs to God: 30 Poems of Love and Longing, and the novella Puerto Diablo: A Tale of Good and Evil (Ebook format).

You can see Master of the Jinn’s beautiful cover and read reviews, readers comments, and excerpts of the first two chapters at the Master of the Jinn website by clicking HERE.

You can also buy Master of the Jinn as an EBOOK.   For information, click the Master of the Jinn tab at top and scroll down a bit.

Master of the Jinn is also available as an Audiobook. Click HERE to listen to an excerpt :)

In the Name of the Most Merciful, 10% of all profits go to charity.

Email: irvkar45 (at) gmail (dot) com

67 Responses to Author

  1. Stranger says:

    Just a few random thoughts,

    If people seek the Path, and take steps upon it, Why is there a need to Question things you are told to do, Question things you dont know, Question & attempt to explain things beyound your understanding and knowledge?

  2. Irving says:

    Salaam and Greetings of Peace Dear Stranger:
    Indeed, it is in human nature to question its existence. Perhaps all human quest began with the thoughts, “Who am I, where did I come from, who made me, where do I go when I die?”
    Yet the Sufis say that to use logic in discovering the answers to such questions is like using a lamp to find the sun. Human logic is too limited to comprehend the infinite.
    Thus, when one finds his or her Master of the Path, do as you are instructed, without question, and slowly, slowly the way is opened to you as the heart is polished of the veil of the nafs, and the light of Allah shines forth, slowly, slowly.
    Ya Haqq!

  3. Abdul Muneer says:

    Salaams Irving Bhai,
    This is in fact a reply to your poem “May I be a moth..” in To your attention I post it here..
    May Allah fulfill your dream! And I also pray, may you get consumed by your Shamsu-Tabrizi just as Rumi (R.A) got consumed by his Shamsu-Tabrizi.
    We get consumed by the Shams the very moment when we get consumed by our Shamsu-Tabrizi,

    (Shams=Sun in Arabic and Urdu)

  4. Motamid says:

    As salam aleykum wa ramatullahi wa barakatuh.

    I offer embraces for a fellow dervish and lover of verses!
    Ya Latif!



  5. Irving says:

    Aleykum Salaam Dear Brother Rafael:

    I kiss your cheek, brother, your poetry is lovely and filled with love :)

    Ya Haqq!

  6. ilovemypublicist says:

    You are truely a word architect.

  7. Motamid says:

    Sidi, I may just have to delegate you as president of a pending fan club… or least my chief commentator. Now I want to see more poems from you! Ma as salama.

  8. Irving says:

    Salaam Dear Brother Rafael:

    If you start a fan club, I will be happy to be its president :)

    My poem are all on the blogroll under My Poetry. But I want to see more poems from you, whom I consider a much better poet :) Your poetry is almost classical in form and yet wholly lovely and touching. Alhamdulillah!

    Ya Haqq!

  9. Mustahsin says:

    As-salamu alaykum brother Irving,

    I bought the Turkish translation of your book “Master of the Jinn”. As you know it is “Cinlerin Efendisi” in Turkish. But I am embarrassed to say that I haven’t read it yet. I have an excuse, though. I have some psychological disorder from which I have been recovering newly. Reading difficulty is one of the symptoms. I never read one tenth of what I plan to read because of it.

    As a poet, writer and editor of many years, do you have advice to give me on how to guide my readings? I am 24 but I feel like I don’t know how to read, and I am an undergraduate history student.

    I aim to visit your blog more frequently, and I plan to read your book when I arrive in my hometown for the nearest holiday inshallah.

    As-salamu alaykum wr wb

  10. Irving says:

    Alaykum Salaam Brother Mustahsin:

    I do not know what the psychological disorder is that keeps you from reading. If it is a jumbling of words, or dyslexia, there are ways to get around it, and we have special classes here in the US for such things. My advice is to read each line slowly, again and again until you get the meaning. It is slow work, but inshallah, the book will keep your interest. You do not seem to have a problem writing, thanks be to Allah, as I can see from your blog.

    I will make dua for you, brother, so that your difficulty will not hinder you, and I pray that you find the strength to continue with your education. Allah does not give us any problem which is greater than we can bear.

    Ya Haqq!

  11. siska says:

    irving i just finished your novel today, i I finished your book less than a day. It was a real page turner. fascinating. was it real experience? may God bless you..

  12. Irving says:

    Salaam Dear Sister Siska:

    Thank you for the kind words about my humble effort :) I am happy you enjoyed it.

    To a writer, his characters are real to him, as is the world he creates as he writes. And God’s infinite love and mercy are real, which is the theme of the book. But none of it actually happened to me, although all that is good in the book was Allah-inspired. Only the mistakes are mine. May God bless you always with love and wisdom.

    Ya Haqq!

  13. siska says:

    thanks for the answer brother irving..and also the prayer..
    what interest me most, besides the essential teaching of love and wisdom, the book illustrated some of jewish traditions that i’ve never known..I live in Indonesia, wish this book give enlightenment to all indonesian readers, and spread the substantial love and wisdom.. may God always bless us and create peace within us… Aamiin..

  14. Irving says:

    Salaam Dear Sister Siska:

    Alhamdulillah! Master of the Jinn will soon be published in Indonesia, into Bahasa. Look for it in the bookstores in February 2008 :) And tell your friends there about it too :)

    Ya Haqq!

  15. rhapsodysinger says:

    I have read a lot on the Sufis but had never met one, salaam dear Darvish…how can my wife and I attain the Way? We are not Muslims and neither want to be…

  16. rhapsodysinger says:

    I live in remote India…thanks for writing…I seek to know…

  17. Motamid says:

    As salam ‘aleykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

    Many apologies for my delayed reponse, but I have been travelling and traveling. All the best to you as well with many hopes for your conitnued health and well-being inwardly and outwardly.

    Ya Latif!

  18. Muslim Man says:

    May I request you to link up – Shaykh Abu Yusuf Riyadh ul Haq
    He is an Aalim, teacher of hadith and shaykh for those traversing the path of tasawuuf.


  19. Motamid says:

    As salam ‘aleykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

    Yes, Sidi, feel free to post any of my poetry with proper accreditation as you see fit.

  20. Baskoro says:


    Mr. Irving, why you take Sulaiman as background tale in you novel? Why not Muhammad or Isa?



    *in Java= sun

  21. darvish says:

    Salaam Dear Baskoro:

    Thank you for visiting my blog :) I hope you enjoy Sang Raja Jin.

    To answer your question, Sulaiman is the beginning. In the next books, I will use the Prophet Muhamman (peach be unto him) and Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace be unto him).

    Ya Haqq!

  22. Baskoro says:


    Thanks for your nice and smart answer..
    and I enjoy to read your book..


  23. Marahm says:

    Thank you for adding me to your blogroll, Irving. I am honored.

  24. anuradha says:

    I had a vision which I feel you can explain to me. Can I send you an e-mail ? I ‘ll need your ID to do that. thanks.

  25. DevilPoet says:

    Dear Master of Jinn, how are you? after a long time I am writing to you. What about your writing? Are you doing it seriously. What about your khanika? This time I must you in Newyork.

  26. VG says:

    Salaam… I really liked your Ramadan post

  27. majnun says:

    Jazakallah for ur visit and comment on my blog.

    Feel honoured.

    Ma salams

  28. f.a.i.t.h says:

    MasyaAllah !

    Allahuakbar ! I thought you are a legend. As for your poem[the breath of zikr] I read it from my friend’s sister blog, I was sOO moved by the poem. It flattered me. It changed something in me. Your words are magic. that’s why I grabbed it and crave at my site.

    jazakkallah khairan jazaa’ !

    do visit me when you’re free. and may I link yours?

    I’m really truly blessed tonight to get to know you.

    and subhanaAllah alhamdulillah you got LOTS of poems !

    syukran lillah syukran laka.

    may Allah bless your soul and grant you Jannah~~

    i’ll be visiting always insyAllah :)

  29. Irving says:

    Salaam faith:

    Thank you for the kind words about the poem and the blog :) Of course you may link here, I am honored to know you :)

    Ya Haqq!

  30. Kashif Ahmed says:


    Just want to know, Why have you named this blog Darvish and what doesDarvish means.

    Thanks, Masalaama

  31. Irving says:

    Alaikum Salaam Brother Kashif:

    Darvish is the Farsi pronunciation of dervish, or one who is initiated into a Sufi Order. It is also sometimes pronounced darwish. I chose the name for the blog as the simplest means of expressing the nature of the blog; the lessons learned through Islam and the Sufi path. Inshallah, it has been of some benefit.

    Ya Haqq!

  32. tailorofthegoodgarment says:

    Salaam Darvish Brother Irving,

    Many thanks for your encouraging words. It is an honour to converse with the Friends at our stations of Corollary in proof of the Ultimate Theorem.

    Love and light,

    The tailor

  33. Reema B. says:

    Salam alaikum wa rahmatu Allah,

    I really like your site! I am curious about sufism and would love to learn more from your reflections inshallah. Although I currently have a blog, I may start another different blog about my own religious and spiritual reflections soon. Will let you know when I do as I would love us to stay connected through sharing.


  34. Irving says:

    Alaikum Salaam Dear Sister Reema:

    Welcome to the site, and please do let me know when you start you new blog :)

    Ya Haqq!

  35. Reema B. says:

    Salam Irving,

    I finally started my new blog alhamdullilah, I’m hoping it turns out well, so far, my first post is only an introduction, inshallah in my next post I plan to actually introduce myself and state my personal reasons for starting the blog. Here is the link:

  36. Reema B. says:

    Salam alaikum,

    I just sent you an email Irving so please let me know if you’ve received it as I’m not sure if I’ve typed the email address correctly.


  37. Sage Merlin says:

    Well, Irving, you finally got me to come here. Good luck with that. You know who I am. The Worst Dervish. If you can’t solve the riddle, ask Carol. She knows.

  38. Natasia Maiza says:


    Saya membacanya dengan tidak jemu & mahu menambah ilmu saya yang kurang…

    Ada sesuatu yang mahu saya tanyakan kepada Brother Darvish Irving, Bantu saya utk menghuraikannya…

    1. Apakah saya melanggar adab dalam islam seandainya saya menerbitkan foto yang berbaur ghairah sebagai ilustrasi ke dalam sebuah artikel ilmu seksologi dan artikel tersebut diterbitkan bersebelahan dengan terjemahan ayat2 suci al-qur’an.?

  39. Irving says:

    Salaam Dear Natasia:

    I speak only English, so please translate your comment :)

    Ya Haqq!

  40. Irving says:

    Greetings of Peace Brother Sage Merlin:

    I know who you are :) And I was certain that I was the worst darvish, lol.

    Ya Haqq!

  41. Natasia says:

    Ohhh… im sorry… i though u can speak in other language too.. :)

    actually, i got the answer already Bro!
    and thanks a lot becoz finally u reply me.

    Sweet Latte,
    Natasia Maiza

  42. Tom Smith says:

    Hi Irving,

    Very interesting content. I do not know much about Sufi Islam but find it interesting. I wonder whether you could give some more teaching on how Sufis regard Isa ibn Maryam in your posts? I am personally studying the person Jesus his teachings and miracles (


  43. Irving says:

    Greetings of Peace Dear Tom:

    Sufis, as well as all Muslims, have the highest regard for Jesus, or Isa, and Maryam, the mother of Jesus, or Isa ibn Maryam, as she is called.

    Here are a couple of old posts from Darvish that will help illuminate the revered place of Isa, and Maryam’s place as both the ideal woman, and a God chosen and anointed bearer of a great prophet.

    Isa ibn Mariyam – Jesus, the Son of Mary

    The First Muslims and the Christians

    Ya Haqq!

  44. Goda-Gado says:


    just wanna leave my track here..

  45. Sufism World says:

    Greetings and Peace to you all.

    I have stumbled across your blog, and I am very deeply impressed with the content you have here. You have a particular way of giving life to words, which in my book is a gift from the creator the all mighty. I hope you are able to visit my blog and bless me with your contributions once a while.

  46. […] of the Jinn in Lego Ever wondered how the cover of brother Irving Karchmar‘s Master of the Jinn would like? Well wonder no […]

  47. Dear Irving,
    I’m also a Sufi writer, an Egyptian novelist belong to the Khalilia Sufi Order in Egypt.
    I’m happy that I knew you, your blog & your Sufi novel: master of the jinn
    But excuse me; I couldn’t identify your nationality exactly: are you Iranian or Indian?!
    Sorry for my curiosity!

  48. Irving says:

    Dear Zahra:

    I am very happy to know you :) I will email you to say hello and answer your questions :)

    Ya Haqq!

  49. KDHenson says:

    i stumbled upon you again dear old friend :) I have always enjoyed your voice as you read, it was like a shadow, that lingered behind you … So check out my creation at I hope you might find something for them babies :)
    i love you

  50. Junaid Rafique says:


    Congratulations on your work. I represent a Sufi master who has written a piece of literary fiction that is inspirational and uplifting. I would like to know if you have an agent and if so would you be happy to allow me to contact him or her?

    Kind Regards

    Junaid Rafique

  51. Irving says:

    Alaikum Salaam:

    I will email you privately about the matter, brother Junaid :)

    Ya Haqq!

  52. Irving, I like your post at the “My Caravan of Dream” Weblog of David, which I quote in full below.

    Mr. Lee may be going through his own spiritual crises, for no Sufi would utter such a phrase unless in some sort of clinically induced depression. Trusting in God, forbearing with patience the temporal changes, a dervish does the good in spite of the sometimes enormous odds, and gives thanks to the Source of all Goodness.

    Among wars, recession, killer diseases, world hunger, natural disasters, I assure you that humanity has never had more reason to hope, to glance upward, to praise God for living in the world today. From the Fall of the Soviet Empire to the Arab revolutions in many countries, the world is more free of tyranny than at any other time in human history. And it is not over yet. Aung San Suu Kyi is leading the march to freedom in Burma, and brave men and women struggle in this age of instant communication to free themselves in China, Cuba, Vietnam, and North Korea, the last outpost of the failed experiment in Communist dictatorships.

    Our grandchildren and great grandchildren will live to see a far better world, more advanced scientifically, cleaner, less dependent on fossil fuels and fanatic ideology. The signs are there, not for some fantasy End Times.. It is in our genes to evolve toward what is greater than what we are, and as Sufis, to evolve in love toward God.

    Your comments resonate with me.

    Spoken like a true Sufi mystic, my friend.


  53. Hello, Irving.

    A comment was posted recently by Yvette at My Caravan of Dream which considered your comments (the one I quoted above) as well as my similar views “DISPARAGING.” I quote Yvette’s pertinent comment as follows:

    Therefore, I find both your and Irving’s disparaging a sign of misinterpretation, and in no way a sign of any belief in absolute duality running through the offerings of Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee…

    On the contrary, I found your comments engaging, luminous and enlightened!

    How is it or why is it that she (as well as David, the site owner) cannot seem to see and appreciate your optimistic vision of humanity?  Is there a school of Sufism that adheres to and teaches a belief in duality and engages in pessimism as Vaughan-Lee does?  I never understood Sufism’s teaching in the manner that Vaughan-Lee, Yvette, and David are invoking it to espouse a “gloomy,” anxiety-driven, almost fearful view of humanity’s future. Please share your other thoughts with me in this regard, as you appear to be familiar with Sufism’s teaching and practice.

    I look forward to hearing from you by email. My thanks to you, Irving.


  54. Much Gratitude says:

    Hello Irving,

    I found this beautiful poetry on another site that you had posted on a while back, and was wondering if this is your work.

    “I have sold my reason
    and bought love
    What a bargain, O my soul,
    like selling a pebble and
    buying a ruby, or trading
    a candle for the sun.”

    Thank you for sharing this!

  55. Irving says:

    Hello Dear Gratitude :)

    Honestly, I do not remember. It sound more like Rumi, but I may have written it on the spur of the inspired moment, while reading Brother Sadiq’s lovely post on Rumi’s theme of selling our cleverness and buying bewilderment. I would normally attribute it to a poet, so I will have to do a search to find out :) Thank you for reminding me of it :)

    Ya Haqq!

  56. Much Gratitude says:

    Thank you Irving. I would love to know so that I may give proper credit to such sublime words. :)

  57. Irving says:

    Dear Gratitude:

    I have searched in vain for another author or source, so I guess I must take credit for the poem :) I often write at a moment’s inspiration, but this bit of a poem was lost until you brought it back to my attention. Thank you for that, and may God bless you :)

    Ya Haqq!

  58. Usman says:

    Hi there,

    I am developing a website called an attempt to gather quality content sufi’s, saints , misconeptions about sufism, sufi music and much more, it will be up soon.

    please have a look your suggestions are welcome.


  59. awesome says:

    irving where did you make this site i ned to cite it for a project

  60. As-salamu alaykum brother,

    Looks like your interview link is broken, could you update that please.

  61. Irving says:

    Alaykum Salaam Brother:

    Many thanks, O Shaik, for making me aware of the broken link. I have corrected it, and include it below also :)

    Ya Haqq!

  62. Maha Khan says:

    I am shocked. I thought this was a blog by a fan. I never knew it was by great Irving. Thank you

  63. Irving says:

    You are very kind, dear Sister Maha ::) But I am not great in any way, except being overweight lol

  64. Daud says:

    Salaam again,
    Just noticed in one of your replies(March 25, 2010 to Tom:)
    “Sufis, as well as all Muslims, have the highest regard for Jesus, or Isa, and Maryam, the mother of Jesus, or Maryam ibn Isa, as she is called. ”
    This must be a typo. It is Isa ibn Mariam not “Mariam ibn Isa.”
    I hope, it is not considered “nitpicking” but “Ibn” means the son of.
    Since last name was not that common in the east, people were called by their fathers’ name i.e. Ibn Sina, Ibn Arabi etc. In case of Isa (pbuh) since there is no Father as such in case, he is called by his mother’s name, therefor Isa bin Mariam.

  65. Irving says:

    Thank you, Brother Daud, it was a typo indeed and I have corrected it :) Ya Haqq!

  66. luke bailey says:

    When Solomon was given his ring, doesnt it sound strange that they could give him great material posetion of the evil empire? Its not really of God. But if they gave him the seal and his blessing to build a ring, would that not be more accurate?

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