Conversation with God

Each day of your life is a conversation with God.
What intimacies have you shared today?
What good deeds have you done?
What love have you given freely to family and friends?

If all you have to say is of arrogance and envy,
vanity and pettiness, then better to keep silent.
God already knows. He is waiting like a hopeful parent
for the good news of your life, eager to share in your joy

And always hoping that you follow in His footsteps,
embrace the way of enduring Love.
Dive into this ocean that is your birthright.
Swim in the sea without a shore.

– Irving Karchmar, 2013

2 Responses to Conversation with God

  1. Josef Sefton says:

    Irving, I absolutely love everything about
    your latest poem.

    Precious readers, dive now into God’s ocean of wisdom and swim in a sea without a shore where the giver of life teaches you graciously and lovingly to see as only He can see!

    O yes, truly when you follow in His footsteps you will discover that you are embracing the way of enduring love where blessing upon blessing will shower down upon you from the all glorious author of love.

  2. Irving says:

    Thank you so much, dear Brother Josef, your always kinds words and loving wisdom are a blessing to all our readers :)

    Ya Haqq!

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