Puerto Diablo – A Tale of Good and Evil

September 21, 2014

Salaam and Greetings of Peace:

I wrote a novella many years ago entitled Puerto Diablo, which I decided to publish as an Ebook.  It is now live on Amazon and Google Play, and Smashwords and is only $0.99. That’s right, only 99 cents.  Please buy a copy and let me know what you think.

Click HERE to read a sample and purchase it. – Amazon Kindle Edition

Click HERE to read a sample and purchase it. – Google Play

Click HERE to read a sample and purchase it. – Smashwords

In the river town of Puerto Diablo, somewhere at the end of South America, a tall stranger arrives to threaten the peace of the natives, the villagers, the local outlaws, and Father Joseph Black, a strong and fierce man of God known as the Black Priest. It is a tale of choices made, and not made, and the ends they lead to, for good and evil. 

Puerto Diablo.cover.Final RGB

Prayer of ibn al-Arabi

September 18, 2014

Salaam and Greetings of Peace:

Purify my soul from doubt and bad character, from misfortune and negligence.

Bestow upon me true servanthood, that I may be obedient to You in all my states.

– Ibn al-Arabi


Prayer in Cairo, by Jean-Leon Gerome (1824-1904)

Ya Haqq!

Poetry Reading – The Horseman

September 9, 2014

Note: The original poem can be found HERE.


Ya Haqq!

I am a fountain, You are my water

September 3, 2014

I am a fountain, You are my water.
I flow from You to You.

I am an eye, You are my light,
I look from You to You.

You are neither my right nor my left.
You are my foot and my arm as well.

I am a traveler, You are my road.
I go from You to You.

–Zeynep Hatun, 15th Century