Isa ibn Mariyam – Jesus, the Son of Mary

Salaam and Greetings of Peace:

Happy Easter to all my Christian brothers and sisters :)

Most people in the West do not know that Hazrat Muhammad al-Ghazali (may Allah keep his secret), who was called The Proof of The Faith, collected and authenticated several of the original saying of Isa ibn Mariyam (Jesus the son of Mary) in Aramaic (the language that Jesus spoke) and translated them into Arabic.

In al Ghazali’s time, 10th -11th century CE, there were still Christians who were unaffected by the doctrines of Paul. The Church founded by Judas Thomas for instance, was still strong in Syria and protected by the Khalifate.

It was written in the original Gospel:

Isa ibn Mariyam (AS) said:
Seek what you do not Know only after you
have put into practice what you do Know.

The disciples of Isa ibn Mariyam (AS) came to him and asked;
“O spirit of Allah, is there anyone else like you alive in our time?”
He replied: “Yes indeed, Whoever has the dhikr of Allah in his heart,
and is silent in thought, and who learns from what is given,
surely that one is like me.”

Isa ibn Mariyam (AS), asked his people:
“Where do you find a plant growing?”
They replied: “In the dust of the earth.”
He said: “By Al Haqq, I will tell you,
Marifat (Gnosis) does not grow except in a heart
that is like the dust of the earth.”

Isa ibn Mariyam (AS) met a man and asked him what his profession was.
The man replied: “I worship Allah.”
Isa (AS) then asked: ‘Who feeds and clothes you while you worship?”
“My brother,” The man replied.
Isa (AS) said: “Your brother’s worship is better than your own.”

Isa ibn Mariyam (AS) met three people while traveling,
They were pale and thin with fasting.
He asked them: “What has caused this state in you?”
They said: “Fear of the punishment of Allah”
Isa (AS) replied: “Allah has taken it upon Himself to lessen your fear.”
He continued on a ways and came across three more
who were pale and thin with fasting, even more than the last.
He asked them: “What has caused this state in you?”
They answered: “Desire for Allah’s rewards”
Isa (AS) said: “Allah has taken it upon Himself to give you what you long for.”
Once again in his travels Isa ibn Mariyam (AS) came across yet another three who were pale and thin with fasting. Their faces shone as if they were lit from within.
So he asked them: “What is the cause of your state?”
They answered: “We love Allah, the Mighty, the Glorious.”
Whereupon he replied: “You are the nearest, and nearer still!”

The companions of Isa ibn Mariyam (AS) said to him:
“Look at this temple, is it not beautiful?”
Isa (AS) replied: “My people,
by al Haqq I tell you, Allah does not leave this temple standing
except to destroy it by the sins of it’s inhabitants.
Surely, Allah does not care about gold and silver,
He does not care about this building that you admire so.
What Allah, the Most High loves are good hearts.
Allah inhabits the heart that remembers Him and He desolates
the heart that does not.”

Isa ibn Mariyam (AS),
passed by a group of men who shouted evil things at him.
In return Isa (AS) spoke to them with kindness.
His companions asked:
“Why did you reply to these men with kindness when they spoke evil to you?”
Isa (AS) replied: “Everyone spends from the coin he has.”

The song of Isa ibn Mariyam (AS)

My meal is fasting,
my standard is awe of Allah.
My clothing is of simple wool,
my prayer in winter is at suns rise.
My lamp is moonlight,
My steed is my legs.
My meal is whatever the earth gives me.
I lay down to sleep at night and have nothing,
I awake in the morning and have nothing,
yet there is no one richer than I.

– From The Traceless Warrior Blog. Commentary and English versions translated by Mushtaq Ali al Ansari. Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Ya Haqq!

32 Responses to Isa ibn Mariyam – Jesus, the Son of Mary

  1. Krishna.N.c says:

    Beloved Brother,
    What a wonderful and informative post! Alhamdullilah! I am really in awe reading this beautiful english translation of what is originally written in the gospel. Thank you so much brother for sharing it with all of us on this blessed Easter :)
    May Isa Ibn Mariyam (AS) bless you, honour you and illuminate your Path with His Love and may you keeping showing us Glimpses Of Him and His Glory :)
    My Heartfelt Prayers for you my beloved :)
    I send you my Love and i kiss your hand :)

  2. Motamid says:

    As salam ‘aleykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

    Nothing makes me long for zuhd so much as reading about our lord Jesus, Son of Mary! Did you read the Zaytuna article about sayings and the book, “The Muslim Jesus”?

    Ya Latif!

  3. Shahrzad says:

    Very beautiful. Happy Easter to all christians. :)
    Once i wrote a report about Easter. They also decorate eggs. Like what Iranians do in Nowruz..

  4. Maithri says:

    Thank you Precious brother,

    For your loving greetings and for blessing us with these beautiful passages from Jesus…

    I love where He says “Everyone spends from the coin he has”


    May we all walk the path of love,

    And remember that it is all there is,

    Sending you the peace of the quiet river,


  5. Abdur Rahman says:

    Salaams Irving bhai

    Ma sha Allah! Beautiful post. Allah bless Sayyidina Isa, his mother and his entire family.

    Allah bless Sayyidina Muhammad.

    Abdur Rahman

  6. Achelois says:

    Very informative post. Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us.

  7. Salaam Alaikum,

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing such wonderful words with us, dear brother.

  8. Aafke says:

    I never knew this, Thank you for sharing this.
    I particularly liked: “Everyone spends from the coin he has.”
    So wonderful, I will always remember this now.
    Thank you again.

  9. Irving says:

    Salaam Dear Brothers and Sisters:

    Thank you all for the kind comments :) Indeed, everyone spends from the coin they have, and inshallah, the more our hearts turn to Allah and His love and mercy, the more our copper coins will turn to gold.

    Ya Haqq!

  10. haamidah says:

    Beautiful sayings of Isa may Peace and blessings be on him. Thank you for the post brother.

  11. Katib says:

    Assalamualaikum Br Darvish

    Greatly appreciated for this profound post.

    May Allah grant you the path of Jesus (as)


  12. Dipti says:

    Dear Brother….. each and every word of this wonderful post is like a glittering precious pearl.. specially the following lines..

    Seek what you do not Know only after you
    have put into practice what you do Know….

    its so easy to appreciate what is right and good and so difficult to put it in practice .. (i find myself guilty of this so often) may we all learn to walk the right path…
    thank you so much for sharing ..

  13. almiskeenah says:

    Assalamu alaikum Dear irving Darvish,
    one always finds such glittering gems for the soul passing by your little corner, may you continue to be blessed in sharing such finds. And the best of blessings upon Isa Alaihis Salam and his progeny, Ameen.
    ‘a heart that is like the dust of the earth’….how profound for our journeying in this realm!
    Wassalamu alaikum

  14. Saaleha says:

    Subhanallah, I have goosebumps reading that. May Allah reward you for teaching me

  15. Irving says:

    Salaam Dear Sisters and Brothers:

    Thank you again for your comments :)

    Sister Saaleha: It gave me goosebumps too :) And congratulations on your book being published :)

    Ya Haqq!

  16. Aafke says:

    Irving, I have already profitted by your post: somebody was very rude and unkind to me, and I was upset, and just getting ready to let go, when I remembered: “Everyone spends from the coin he has.”

    So I’m sorry for the one who spend those rude coins on me, And I thought: ”What are my coins?” They are not the same. I said something polite back, and I felt really good about it too!

    So thank you again :)

  17. MysticSaint says:

    Mashallah. excellent collection. May Allah bless Imam Gazzali and Isa Ibn Maryam. May we not be deprived of the good fortune of meeting Isa Ibn Maryam in the hereafter. How sweet reunion it would be indeed! may none of us be deprived of that reunion. amen.

  18. Amina says:

    As-salaamu Alaikum Wr Wb
    MashAllah!! — Prophet Isa a.s. was so wise. I pray Allah SWT we all meet him in heaven. My favorite sentence is the one when he says: “Everyone spends from the coin he has.” Beautiful. —–

    salaams from Bosnia and Herzegovina …

  19. Uncle Wali says:

    Forgive me for asking, but what is the source for this? WHo is Mushtaq Ali al Ansari? I can’t seem to find anything substantial…and beginning to doubt the source/

    Again I mean no disrespect.


  20. Irving says:

    Salaam Uncle Wali:

    If you follow the link, you will see that Mushtaq Ali is the arabic name of the blogger who calls himself “The Traceless Warrior.” And it is he who says:

    “Most people in the West do not know (or if the do, they are not telling me) that Hazrat Muhammad al Ghazali (may Allah keep his secret) who was called “The Proof of The Faith” collected and authenticated several of the original saying of Isa ibn Mariyam (Jesus the son of Mary) in Aramaic (the language that Jesus spoke) and translated them into Arabic.”

    So he is the one who translated Al Ghazali’s work on the sayings of Isa (pbuh) into English. I am sure that if you contact him, he will be happy to provide you with the original source material.

    Ya Haqq!

  21. sarah says:

    assalamu alaykum
    my name is Sarah i am looking for this kind of information to write in a book thank you for teaching me a lot

  22. susanne430 says:

    Thanks for sharing this. Achelois so kindly shared the link with me. I enjoyed reading these sayings from Jesus. :)

  23. In einem Sufi Retreat des internationalen Sufi-Ordens bekam ich den Zikr
    Ya Issa Ruh Allah
    als Übung.
    Ich werde es mit dem Handauflegen verbinden, indem ich mir dabei die Hände auf mein 2. und 3. Chakra lege.

    Danke für die schönen Texte hier.

    Note: Translation from German reads:

    In a Sufi retreat of the international Sufi order, I got the ZíKr
    Ya Issa Ruh Allah as an exercise.
    I will connect with the laying on of hands by telling myself it’s hands on my second and 3 Chakra lege.

    Thank you for the beautiful text here.


    Love this Maasalam

  25. […] the days before Christmas, I confess that my favorite part of the story of the birth of Jesus, or Isa ibn Mariyam, is the coming of the Magi, and the legends that have grown up around […]

  26. Jay Kamble says:

    The companions of Isa ibn Mariyam (AS) said to him:
    “Look at this temple, is it not beautiful?”
    Isa (AS) replied: “My people,
    by al Haqq I tell you, Allah does not leave this temple standing
    except to destroy it by the sins of it’s inhabitants.
    Surely, Allah does not care about gold and silver,
    He does not care about this building that you admire so.
    What Allah, the Most High loves are good hearts.
    Allah inhabits the heart that remembers Him and He desolates
    the heart that does not.
    Yet the Most High does not dwell in houses made by hands, as the prophet says,
    ”This is what the LORD says: “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be? [ Acts 7:48,49] -[Isaiah 66:1]
    Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? [1 Corinthians 3:16]
    and God Said : What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said,
    “I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them,
    and I will be their God,
    and they shall be my people.[2 Corinthian 6:14-18]

  27. Jay Kamble says:

    The companions of Isa ibn Mariyam (AS) said to him:
    “Look at this temple, is it not beautiful?”
    Isa (AS) replied: “My people,
    by al Haqq I tell you, Allah does not leave this temple standing
    except to destroy it by the sins of it’s inhabitants.
    Surely, Allah does not care about gold and silver,
    He does not care about this building that you admire so.
    What Allah, the Most High loves are good hearts.
    Allah inhabits the heart that remembers Him and He desolates
    the heart that does not.
    Yet the Most High does not dwell in houses made by hands, as the prophet says,
    ”This is what the LORD says: “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be? [ Acts 7:48,49] -[Isaiah 66:1]
    Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? [1 Corinthians 3:16]
    and God Said : What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said,
    “I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them,
    and I will be their God,
    and they shall be my people.[2 Corinthian 6:14-18]

  28. GaribAN says:

    “Jesus(PBUH) says Parable of the bad scholars is like stone which falls in to a water mill and prevents the water from flowing. Neither it drinks from that water nor it allows the water flow in to the fields and
    vegetable farms for the benefit of them. Again the parable of the bad scholars is like a weed in the quicksand. Its Outside looks glossy but there is dirt inside. Again the parable of the bad scholars is like the graves. It looks nice outside but it is full
    of dead bones inside.

    Jesus(PBUH) says While you yourselves are bewildered(confused), How long more are you going to continue to be a guide for the people who have lost their way.” [Some of my old translations from the book,Ihya-i ulumuddeen of Imam Al-Ghazali(k.s)]

  29. Naushad Somji says:

    n the Name of Allah Who is infinite Compassion and Love

    May the Peace, Blessings and Mercy of Allah the Most High be on all of you.

    The Holy Quran which is the final testament mentions that Hadrat Isa (as) or Jesus Christ as the Rasul, Messiah, Kalimatullah “The Word of Allah” and Ruhullah “The Spirit of Allah.” He was raised alive and will return back in End Times to guide all mankind onto the right path with the power of divine love and the final truth as per the Holy Quran ~ final testament. He will thus establish God’s kingdom throughout the world and restore true faith.

    When Hadrat Isa (as) returns, he will as a Rasul n Messiah come with the authority from Allah the Most High to introduce his own shariah or religious laws based on the Holy Quran. This will be an advanced and upgraded version of Islam, a universal religion followed worldwide. Those people including Muslims who do not believe in Hadrat Isa (as) / Jesus Christ or his shariah / religious laws on his return, will become disbelievers / kaffirs.
    With blessings,

    Brother Naushad.

  30. […] before Christmas, I confess that one of my favorite parts of the story of the birth of Jesus, or Isa ibn Mariyam, is the coming of the Magi, and the legends that have grown up around […]

  31. Wonderful. Love of the beloved increases when we share our joys. Thank you dear Br. Irving for sharing it with us.

  32. […] before Christmas, I confess that one of my favorite parts of the story of the birth of Jesus, or Isa ibn Mariyam, is the coming of the Magi, and the legends that have grown up around […]

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