The Language of Love

The language of love has no words
For God’s sake

The syntax of the heart’s longing
Is silence
Neither noun nor verb nor consonant

Why all this talk then, O Lover?
Sit and wait
Slow the heartbeat, ease the breath

Unless you become thought
There is no room in you for Hu

Poetry is self-indulgence
Words a veil,
Silence, silence, silence

And the Beloved bursts forth
And all is Love

– Irving Karchmar,  © May 2007

29 Responses to The Language of Love

  1. pbsweeney says:

    Silence, silence, silence.
    Yes! Yes! Yes!

    Just love this poem, and the truth within it.

    Thank you.


  2. Merryweather says:

    Remarkable! :) … to say the least.

    Self-indulgence, a veil… hmm…

    True… & paradoxical.

  3. aiman says:

    “Poetry is self-indulgence
    Words a veil,
    Silence, silence, silence”

    Masha’Allah. Beautifully advanced and expressed.

  4. Maliha says:


  5. funk999 says:

    Good stuff mashaAllah

  6. Hakim Baker says:

    A delectable taste!

  7. seeker94 says:

    Yet again, another beautiful piece. Subhaanallah.

  8. almiskeenah says:

    Assalamu alaikum,
    Ethereal! JazakumLlahu khairan dear brother Irving…sparking a post, including:
    Begin the quest
    Succumb to the breath
    Lift the veil!
    A blaring silence
    A deafening lucid silence
    The symphonic silence of
    On every breath of every atom in every time.
    Dhikr, the purifier of breath.

    Wassalamu alaikum

  9. Irving says:

    Salaam Dear Brothers and Sisters:
    May Allah bless you all for your kind and generous comments. And to Almiskeenah, a special thanks for her really wonderful post inspired by this poem on her blog:
    Her beautiful words fill the heart and makes one conscious of each precious breath.
    Ya Haqq!

  10. Abdur Rahman says:

    Salaams Irving bhai,

    Poetry is self-indulgence. Oops! I’ve been discovered! :)

    More please

    Abdur Rahman

  11. Asiya says:

    I’m too busy thinking about being silent!

    thank you Irving, this is beautiful.

  12. musicalchef says:

    Beautiful poem!! Thanks for sharing it with us.

  13. Suroor says:

    This is amazingly beautiful!

  14. sf says:

    Salaams Brother Irving,

    Alhamdulillah! Masha’Allah, what a soul-touching reminder and a deafening call for His Dhikr in Silence!

    Allah Himself has taught us the manner in which a person should remember Him:

    “And do bring your Lord to remembrance in your very soul, with humility and in reverence, without loudness in words, in the mornings and evening, and be not of those who are unheedful.” The Quran(7:205)

  15. Irving says:

    Salaam Dear Brothers and Sisters:
    Thank you for such kind and wise comments :) Abdur Bhai, your secret is safe with me :) And sf, what a beautiful additon to the poem. Alhamdulillah, that Allah has given us all we need to know to remember Him in His Holy Qur’an. And further… “I am with the one who remembers Me.”
    Ya Haqq!

  16. Raza Rumi says:

    and all is Love indeed! What a beautiful poem – thanks for posting it.

  17. […] Irving Karchmar @ Darvish – The Language of Love […]

  18. harmonie22 says:

    What a brilliant poem. I am moved and aptly reminded. Thank you for sharing and for inspiring. My favorite line is “There is no room in you for Hu.” I have a similar one too:

  19. J says:

    what does Hu mean?

  20. Irving says:

    Hu is a name of God, which means HE.

  21. Rabu says:

    “The syntax of the heart’s longing is silence”——— Masallah! how true the word is! it remind me this line also “What can love possibly say in words?”—Barsili.

    love it my dear darvish brother.

  22. Ismail says:

    Ya Haqq!

    In this silence is that we can determine his light in the darkness.

    The poem is so beautifull; although it is self-indulgence but it can be really as an intruduction to the lovely silence.

  23. Baraka says:

    Salaam dear brother Irving,

    Might I use this beautiful poem for Poetry Monday next week?

    Please drop me a line to let me know either way.

    Thank you!


  24. GaribAN says:

    Many thanks for that beautiful poem brother Irving. May you reach to Ridha of Allah inshaALLAH.
    As-Salam and LoVe

  25. Fatima Rajapakse says:


  26. Lat says:

    “Unless you become thought
    There is no room in you for Hu”

    I’m reading on thoughts now.thanks for sharing!

  27. Patrick says:

    I love the language of love.

    Silence..keep still and lessen the silence of love..

    Thank you so much for this self-indulgence Irving ;-)

  28. herazahra says:

    brother irving,,, thanks for reminding of a silence Talk,,right now i am trying an effort to do silence remains active or passive ?

  29. rafique says:

    Very nice poem on love.

    ‘Silence is the ornament of the wise and a veil for the ignorant’ -sayings of Prophet.

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